By Dr. Frank White What metrics or unit of measure should define a person’s paradigm for success? Let’s begin by defining the word paradigm, a success paradigm, or otherwise. Simply stated a paradigm is a way of thinking. So our paradigms begin with our thoughts, which are a by-product of our life experience, our adopted […]
Love the process…
Love the process, appreciate the result… then repeat the process, go for the process, allow the result to follow, it will…. -Frank White
Your mindset isn’t…
Your mindset isn’t something… It’s everything…. -Frank White
Abundance is not…
Abundance is not something we acquire, it is the space we operate out of, the energy we align with and tap into, a universal constant flow… -Frank White
Your spoken words…
Your spoken words live in or carry your energy more powerfully than the vocal energy you think that you are projecting into them… -Frank White